4-Step Bedtime Relief Process

Yesterday I went to my ENT, and he noticed I have an ear infection in the ear that has gone deaf.  I have been having intratympanic steroid injections, so the pain I had I put down to just a side effect of the injections.  However it seems I have an infection and I am on systemic steroid therapy, and have also been on a 10 day course of antibiotics.  So I was prescribed some larger-dose antibiotics as a remedy.  I took my first tablet at lunch time, and within the hour I had a train bell ringing very loudly at 180 bpm.  Until this episode, I had been coping pretty well with the tinnitus, but all of a sudden my hyerpacusis red-lined and I found the rest of the afternoon more challenging than previous days.  As bed time approached, my anxiety levels increased – I need to get my sleep.  So I hatched up a process, and slept like a baby…

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